Blockchain cryptocurrencies function independently of third-party intermediaries. Their ability to achieve this stems from the sophisticated mechanisms employed to handle and safeguard transactions on the blockchain. Among these mechanisms, the most prevalent ones include proof of work blockchain (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). Let's delve into the workings of crypto staking within the realm of cryptocurrency. 

Staking crypto is an integral component of the Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol, enabling cryptocurrency transactions to occur swiftly and efficiently, free from redundancy or protracted processing durations. 

How does staking crypto work? 

Imagine you possess a specific cryptocurrency in your wallet. Your next step is to pick a cryptocurrency platform that aligns with your preferences and offers Staking functionality. When choosing a platform, there are key factors to consider, including a minimum threshold, potential profits, and the variety of cryptocurrencies available for staking crypto.  

The minimum threshold signifies the minimum cryptocurrency balance required to commence staking crypto. Subsequently, the potential profit is determined by the APY (Annual Percentage Yield) values, reflecting the annual net profit with compound interest, and APR (Annual Percentage Rate), which considers fees. 

For instance, in the BetFury ecosystem, a platform offering a range of cryptocurrency services, crypto staking offers up to a lucrative 50% APY, and passive income is disbursed daily. To partake in crypto staking and receive rewards, you must hold a minimum of 100 BFG tokens (BetFury's native utility tokens). These rewards can be withdrawn in BFG tokens or five other prominent coins (USDT, ETH, BTC, BNB, and TRX). Opting for BFG tokens escalates your payouts, as it reflects an increased stake in BetFury tokens. Additionally, you can trade cryptocurrencies like BFG on well-known exchanges or acquire them through platform activities. 

To experiment with staking crypto at no cost, you can use the promo code STAKE_BFG, which grants you 100 BFG tokens in your wallet. It's important to note that this promo code will expire on the 13th of June, and only the first 80 users can apply it. To activate the promo code, users must register on the platform and wager a minimum of $50. 

This proof of stake system is both lucrative and straightforward, allowing you to embark on an investor's journey and withdraw your funds according to your preferences. 

The Advantages of Cryptocurrency Staking (proof of stake) 

  1. Generate Passive Income: Staking offers the opportunity to earn passive income if you have no immediate plans to sell your cryptocurrency tokens. This income stream wouldn't have been possible without staking, enhancing the returns on your cryptocurrency investment.
  2. Easy Entry: Commencing staking crypto is a straightforward process, easily initiated through a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet.
  3. Support Preferred Crypto Projects: Crypto staking goes beyond personal gains; it also benefits the blockchain projects you hold dear. As Tanim Rasul, the Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder of National Digital Asset Exchange in Canada, points out, "Staking crypto has the added benefit of contributing to the security and efficiency of the blockchain projects you support. By staking some of your funds, you make the blockchain more resistant to attacks and strengthen its ability to process transactions.

Staking crypto Methods and Staking-as-a-Service (SaaS) 

In the realm of staking crypto, there are generally two primary approaches. 

The first method involves becoming a validator, operating your own node. This approach requires a certain level of technical expertise and infrastructure to ensure security and stability. Additionally, the minimum amount of coins needed for staking is often relatively substantial. For instance, to become an Ethereum validator, you must possess a minimum of 32 ETH. 

More commonly, staking is accomplished through delegation, where you entrust your coins to a validator who has the necessary setup. Validators handle the intricate task of maintaining a node on your behalf, usually taking a commission from your staking rewards in return. This delegation method offers simplicity and convenience. 

Now, an entire industry has emerged around staking-as-a-service (SaaS), which simplifies the staking crypto process further. Some prominent SaaS companies include: 

  1. Staked
  2. Figment Network
  3. MyContainer
  4. Stake Capital
  5. Stake.Fish


It's essential to understand that delegating coins to a validator does not mean you are transferring custody of your assets to them. You retain full control of your assets at all times. 

Typically, you don't need to take any specific actions regarding your rewards, as they are automatically reinvested. Nevertheless, some staking crypto platforms offer the option to opt out of automatic compounding if you prefer to manage your rewards differently. 


As the web 3.0 industry progresses, it's probable that we'll witness an increased adoption of proof of stake-based mechanisms by blockchain protocols. This shift is driven by their energy efficiency, quicker transaction speeds, and enhanced scalability compared to prior mechanisms.